Monday, June 9, 2008

In a year

A year ago, I was getting ready with all of my girlfriends and sisters in The Garden Room at the Inn on Main. I was only a few hours away from becoming Mrs. Brock. Where has this year gone? It has been filled with a roller coaster of emotion, mostly good with sadness only because I felt homesick. Marriage has been so much more than what I expected and has given me so much more to look forward to.

In a year, I have moved across the country, gotten a new dog, started a new (and often difficult) job, received National Board certification, and traveled to South Dakota, Vail, South Carolina, San Francisco, Seattle (tomorrow), and Mexico.

In a year, I've been to more baseball and basketball games than I ever could have imagined.

In a year, I have eaten more bar-b-que, chicken, and broccoli than I ever thought I would.

In a year, I've become a member of both a book club and a wine club.

In a year, I found out I have a "brain tail."

In a year, I began to play video games.

In a year, I started my master's degree.
In a year, I cut off 7 inches of hair.

In a year, I became a daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt and godmother.

In a year, I have introduced more people to grandmama's chicken pie, Aunt Ruth's cheesy potatoes, and my own special blend of SWEET tea.

In a year, I experienced snow on a weekly basis and never got a snow day.

In a year, I learned how to ski (thanks again, Melissa!)

In a year, I have become more organic and environmentally conscious.

In a year, I have learned that I'm not as good with plants as I was in South Carolina.

In a year, I have laughed a lot.

In a year, I have cried a lot.

In a year, I have felt more loved than ever.

In a year, I have felt happier than ever.

In another year, I hope to have many more adventures to post, more excitement to share, funny moments to laugh about, and people to share them with.

It's hard to believe a year has already flown by. Without getting too sentimental, I have to say I couldn't have picked a better man to go through this year with than Tim. I look forward to another year, and another year, and many more after those. Thank you to everyone who have supported us (from all areas of the country). We are blessed to have each other and all of you. Keep checking in to see how year two goes!


Amy Clifton said...

What a great post to recap your first year as Mrs. Brock. I can't believe it's been a year already; seems like no time at all since we were freezing in the rain taking your bridal portraits, and then nearly having a heat stroke at your perfectly beautiful wedding. :-) Congratulations to you and Tim, and I wish you many, many special and exciting years together.

Resa said...

I know this is late, but happy anniversary! I want to see pics from your trip. I love reading this blog. It was so sweet! Miss you!!!!