Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hallowine and Football Time!

Two weeks ago, I turned 28. Yes...I know, it's hard to believe. I am now officially in my late twenties. 27 was a toss up between mid to late twenties, but now, I'm officially there! How did I spend my birthday weekend? Check below:

With a little monster, good friends and family, and good wine, we celebrated Halloween a little differently, dubbing it HalloWINE instead. We hosted a wine tasting party (cheese and all). This was a great idea and one of the few birthdays I have ever spent where no one was required to dress in costume! Carson was still subjected to the costume, but it was his first and isn't he the cutest little monster? That same weekend, my brother-in-law, Matt, had the chance to finish celebrating his birthday with a Miami Dolphins/Denver Broncos game. We were invited to attend as well. This was my first pro football game ever and it was quite exciting! We had great weather and a fun time. The weekend was great!